Badir Consulting

About Badir ?

Badir Consulting  is a company established in Cairo according to the companies Law to provide economic, administrative consultation and  feasibility studies in Egypt and Gulf countries, and it has a professional team of specialized experts, consultants and academics in the arab world.

Take Your Business
to Next Level

Why Badir ?

  • We have a highly experienced professional team in the consulting field.
  • Recognize and value the time of our partners.
  • We care about our customers and provide them with full support and continuity of cooperation.
  • We are interested in transforming the consulting work from the ideal of paper recommendations to the framework of long-term strategic partnerships.
  • We maintain our gains to ensure quality and continuity.
To be one of the top 10 consulting firms in the Middle East by 2030.
Providing the best professional practices to our partners, the best work environment to our employees and the maximum added value to our communities.
  • Providing studies and consultations in various activities and sectors.
  • Contributing to the development of the national economy.
  • Encouraging entrepreneurship and transforming entrepreneurial ideas into existing projects that have a positive impact on the individual and society.
  • Enabling institutions to carry out institutional work in accordance with international models and standards
  • Integrity.
  • Innovation.
  • Precision.
  • Agility.
  • Social Responsibility.

We Give You The Green Light

To Start Your Business​

Our Services

Economic consulting is one of the most important tools that must be used when implementing any project, whether it is small, medium or even large. As it includes marketing, administrative and financial directives. In addition, it is considered one of the most important tools for the success of projects, which helps them to reach their desired goals and ambitions. Thus, achieving the highest profitable return, and it also helps to estimate the size of the market in the future. Among the most important benefits accruing to the company:

  • Availability of solutions and alternatives.
  • Evaluation of projects.
  • Study the risks

Badir provides financial Consulting services through:

  • Assisting senior management in formulating the objectives, strategy policies, financial policies and general investment policies of the company.
  • Analyzing and interpreting financial information to study, reconsider, and manage multiple variables, with the aim of facilitating the decision-making process.
  • Analyzing the financial risks to which the company is exposed, including investment, and making recommendations.
  • Follow up and reviewing the financial statements and amended financial reports by the concerned department before presenting them to the higher management.
  • Coordination with the external auditor, ensuring the quality of periodic reports, discussing and processing them.
  • Interpreting the results of analyzing the periodic financial statements and providing professional recommendations for the development and improvement of the financial structure of the senior management.
  • Managing the banking relationship and ensuring compliance with the agreed terms and commitments.
  • Reviewing cash flows in a way that helps the company fulfill its obligations to others and preserve its rights to ensure the achievement of objectives.
  • Developing financial strategies, and monitoring the economic situation based on monitoring changes in the budget.
  • Analyzing the results provided by the financial plans.
  • Providing advice on investments, asset rental, saving money, tax system and wealth and property management.


  • Organizational management.
  • Business Administration.
  • Crisis Consulting and finding solutions to the problems associated with the insolvency of the organization.
  • Human resource management consulting (including specialized training of employees and qualifications of employees), as well as formation (or improvement) of corporate and individual culture management.
  • Consultant in the field of marketing and sales, advertising campaigns and the formation of the corporate identity

What is the meaning of the feasibility study?

A feasibility study is an analysis that takes into account all factors relevant to the project including economic, technical, legal and to ensure that the project is likely to be completed successfully

The importance of a feasibility study:

  • Feasibility studies are considered one of the most important tools that the economic decision maker uses at the level of the private project and at the national level.
  • It helps in reaching the best possible allocation of economic resources that are characterized by relative scarcity, and for this reason, feasibility studies are of paramount importance in developing countries, where resources are limited, which requires setting priorities for projects that benefit the national economy.
  • Feasibility studies show the expected returns compared to the expected costs of investment over the life of the project.
  • The study presents a complete system of project data and analysis in a way that helps the investor to make the appropriate investment decision.
  • Develops a plan or program for the implementation of the project, determines the method of project management, and achieves interaction between the elements of operation, financing and marketing.
  • It makes the investment decision-making process an integrated process and takes into account all the factors that can affect the performance of the project, making the calculation of the expected risks an accurate process with the least possible degree of uncertainty.
  • Helps to identify the economic, political and legal changes that are expected to occur during the life of the project.
  • The study helps the investor to know the project’s needs for financial resources and their timing, as the provision of financial resources is one of the most important issues to ensure the establishment and success of the project.
  • The study helps in developing plans and programs for the stages of preparation, implementation and follow-up.
  • Assists in the preparation of programs for the provision of equipment, machinery, buildings, labor, training and production planning.
  • A practical way to convince the funding bodies of the idea of ​​the project.

Components of a feasibility study:

The economic feasibility study for any project consists of the following basic elements:

  • Market feasibility study.
  • Technical feasibility study.
  • Financial feasibility study.

Market feasibility study:

  • The volume of demand for the goods or services to be provided by the project.
  • The size of the supply of goods or services to be provided by the project.
  • Determining the production capacity of the project (sales volume) according to the volume of supply and demand.
  • Determining The target customers of the project’s products.
  • Determining The needs and desires of the target customers.
  • Competitors’ activity, products and prices in the target market.
  • The available gaps and opportunities that can be exploited for the benefit of the project.

Technical Feasibility Study:

  • Determining the location, area, specifications and costs of the project headquarters.
  • Determining the size, quality, specifications and costs of labor.
  • Determining the needs and costs of the project in terms of equipment, tools and supplies.
  • Determining the project’s needs and costs of services such as energy, water, and others.
  • Determining the project’s need and costs of raw materials and production supplies (in the case of production projects).
  • Determining the production stages in detail (in the case of production projects).

Financial Feasibility Study:

  • Preparing the financial statements.
  • Measuring the profitability of the project.

The business model is considered one of the obvious and essential to business success, as building the business model represents the company’s plan to achieve profits by defining the products or services that it plans to sell and present to customers in a distinctive way, targeting the market in addition to the expected expenses, cost structuring, strategic partnerships, and key activities, and it must be a distinctive model. Because it is no longer enough to provide a normal business model only, but it must be full of innovation and creativity to create innovative value for customers, so it is necessary to develop and innovate in business models, and our primary role is to help our customers develop and innovate in business models.


Also, successful establishments have business models that allow them to meet the needs of customers, and over time, many of them review and develop their business models from time to time to reflect changing work environments and market requirements. Therefore, business models are important for establishments, whether existing or new alike, and the development process Innovation is a continuous process throughout the life of the project, so you need a consulting partner during this journey of development, innovation and competition.

Small projects are considered one of the most important tributaries of development in any society, which helps provide the market with new job opportunities and provide the necessary goods and services. There is no doubt that advisory support plays a pivotal role in supporting these projects, especially in the start-up and establishment stage, which is considered the most difficult stage for entrepreneurs. From this standpoint, we have designed a package of distinguished consultations to support their entrepreneurs, including:

Training Services:
Providing training programs with the aim of developing professional capabilities and competencies for investors and entrepreneurs to enable them to conduct business.


Providing advice and guidance for start-up and existing projects, with the aim of motivating and assisting the owners of establishments to achieve success and growth. In addition to directing them to the appropriate services according to their needs and aspirations within the management services.


Providing specialized consultations that contribute to evaluating the project idea and its applicability as a commercial project, by building a business model that includes the project’s executive steps, and providing supporting ideas to project owners to implement their projects effectively and efficiently through:

  • Holding consultative interviews by the online hour.
  • Contract )your own advisor’s protocol(

Create investment opportunities:

Shedding light on investment opportunities with the aim of facilitating entrepreneurs’ access to available investment opportunities and promoting investment in priority sectors.

Other services:

  • Preparing feasibility studies for the project.
  • Building an innovative business model.
  • Preparing a business plan.
  • Building the appropriate administrative and financial structure for the project.
  • Building human resource management.

We prepare economic and social studies and research, measure performance, collect information and data and put them at the service of decision makers, and study the case using methodological methods and their repercussions on establishments.

Strategic planning is the process of determining the direction of a company by evaluating your current location and the location you want to reach. The strategic plan is a document that includes the organization’s mission, vision, values, and long-term goals, as well as its operational plans to reach these goals.

If the strategic plan is well prepared, it will play an essential role in the growth of the enterprise, because it is concerned with how to deal with opportunities and face challenges

What is a franchise?

Franchise is a method of conducting business between two independent parties, in which the first party (the franchisor) grants the other party (the franchisor) intellectual and industrial property rights or technical know-how to produce a commodity or distribute its products or services in accordance with the instructions of the franchisor and under his exclusive supervision in A specific geographical area and for a specific period of time with its commitment to provide technical assistance in addition to a number of other services such as advertising, training and logistical support for a fee or a percentage of total sales.

Activities that can be managed in the franchise system:

  • Chains of stores, retail and wholesale stores.
  • Restaurants, cafes, hotels and any activities related to food and hospitality.
  • Advertising, shipping, home services and computer services.
  • Travel and tourism agencies, real estate and hotel marketing.
  • All commercial, industrial, service and agricultural businesses, which are difficult to enumerate all.

Benefits and advantages of the franchise system:

  • Expansion and rapid spread in the target markets without incurring high costs.
  • Reducing the financial, technical and administrative burdens from expanding in new markets with the capital of the franchisor.
  • Increasing the financial return from the amounts paid by the Franchisee, whether in the form of fees for obtaining the concession or for the products and services purchased.

Consulting services for franchisors:

  • Evaluation of the administrative and organizational structure of the company’s operations, activities and departments.
  • Drafting and writing concession documents, work procedures, and contracts regulating granting concessions.
  • Preparing advertising and training materials, control and control systems, and marketing tools.
  • Determining the proposed budget for the requirements of building the franchise system.

Our consultants provide the necessary advice to commercial companies in building their brand, preparing a guide and the franchise system to grant commercial franchises and the right to use the trademark in accordance with the terms and conditions of the franchise. Advanced training courses are also offered in preparing the franchise guide and disseminating advanced concepts related to franchising

The importance of the process of restructuring the companies crystallized in raising the efficiency of performance, removing the constraints that limit productivity, correcting the necessary course for the technical, economic and financial structures of the company and defining the powers and responsibilities to reach sound strategic decisions in a timely manner and with the required quality in a way that helps the company to continue, and from this point and this concept A range of specialized advice is provided in this field:

The administrative structure includes:

  • Assessment of the current status of the company.
  • Reviewing and updating the company’s strategy.
  • Develop a manual of administrative policies and procedures
  • Developing strategic and operational objectives and plans.
  • Leading change and building internal skills and capabilities.
  • Inventory and analysis of jobs.
  • Selection and nomination of individuals for jobs.
  • Developing the organizational structure of the company and its departments.
  • Updating the functional structure and the functional budget.
  • Updating the company’s job description cards.
  • The scheme of the concerned parties cooperating with the company.
  • Developing the training need for jobs.
  • Developing the company’s internal regulations.
  • Setting standards for measuring performance.
  • Institutional performance management (balanced scorecard).
  • Management and documentation of work procedures.
  • Develop administrative models.
  • Establishing a work mechanism between departments within the company.

The financial structure includes:

  • Preparing the financial regulations.
  • Develop financial and accounting policies and procedures manual.
  • Chart of accounts.
  • Internal system of salaries and bonuses.
  • Bases and forms for preparing the annual estimated budget.
  • system of purchases, bids and tenders.
  • system of financial powers.
  • Accounting records and forms.
  • Regulations for preparing periodic financial reports.
  • system of stores.
  • Develop financial models.

Reaching institutional excellence requires a journey of serious pursuit of creativity and development to reach the highest levels in the ladder of excellence And whether the company wants to participate in the local or international excellence awards, there are precisely defined main and subsidiary criteria that must be adhered to, and that the journey of excellence requires effort, time and determination from all administrative levels.

From this standpoint, we qualify the establishments to enter the Excellence Awards through the work methodology and the following steps:

  • Study and analysis of the current situation of the organization.
  • Study and analysis of the strategic objectives of the organization.
  • Identifying performance gaps.
  • Preparing a report on bridging the performance gaps to qualify for the Excellence Awards.
  • Follow up the implementation of development processes and qualify for the award.
  • Qualification for Excellence Awards.

Analysis of institutional performance aims to analyze all elements and aspects of institutional performance, identify the existing gaps and their causes, determine the best ways to treat them, and identify the internal opportunities and capabilities that the company can benefit from and employ effectively to achieve higher levels of performance. It also works to identify aspects that may negatively affect the The future performance of the companies in order to take the necessary proactive decisions to face problems before they occur.

A comprehensive analysis of corporate performance consists of 3 main components:

  • Strategic direction analysis.
  • Analysis of the internal environment.
  • Analysis of the external environment.

Analysis Objectives:

  • Analyzing all elements and aspects of institutional performance, identifying the existing gaps and their causes, and determining the best ways to address them
  • Identifying the internal opportunities and capabilities that the organization can take advantage of and use them effectively to achieve higher levels of performance
  • Identifying the aspects that may negatively affect the future performance of companiesin order to take the necessary proactive decisions to confront problems before they occur.

Analysis procedures:

  • Analyzing the company’s strategy in order to assess its readiness and capabilities to face external challenges and variables, and how to respond to these variables and manage their impact for the benefit of the company.
  • Analyzing the work environment, including units, the work team, and the job, in order to identify the internal factors that affect the effectiveness and efficiency of employees, and the sensitivity and importance of each of these factors to achieve the required performance.
  • Determining the performance gap by collecting the results of the two previous analyzes and linking all the elements together so as to draw a complete and clear picture of what is happening inside and outside the company in order to identify the root causes that led to the company’s reaching its current status, as well as identifying all the opportunities that can be utilized and employed to raise Performance to the best level.
  • Analysis of the reasons that led (or may lead) to a performance gap, where the root causes of performance gaps in the previous, current and future stages are identified to know the reasons behind the current level of performance and the reasons that may hinder the level of future performance.
  • Providing a recommendation for appropriate solutions after knowing the reasons and categorizing them according to their importance, sensitivity and impact on the overall performance of the establishment


  • Measuring the performance of the company and its application of governance and compliance standards.
  • Preparing the committees’ bylaws, their work mechanism, and models for the relevant reports.
  • Activating the system and functions of governance within the establishments.
  • Preparing governance regulations for the public, private and non-profit sectors.
  • Develop mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of the performance of the members of the Board of Directors and its committees.
  • Defining and developing policies in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
  • Establishing administrative units specialized in governance within the company.
  • Projects governance.
  • Analyzing training needs and providing training programs for those interested in governance

in order to obtain the appropriate investment opportunity for the investor, whether an individual or a company, we harness all the necessary capabilities in the search for promising investment opportunities based on the investor’s preferences, which are based on the following aspects:

  • Type of investment.
  • The size of the investment portfolio.
  • The economic sector.
  • Revenue strategy.
  • Duration of investment.
  • Geographical area.
  • The quality of the investment.
  • Shares of shares.

One of the most important studies that we are preparing is the studies of faltering legislatures or projects under faltering, whether for financial reasons as a result of weakness in the financing structures of these companies or administrative reasons, including the lack of clear lines in the organization between authorities and responsibilities, marketing reasons, technical reasons, or any other reasons. We have a group of consultants who have extensive experience in this field and these studies include:

  • Conducting a SWOT ANALYSIS analysis of the company and identifying the most important competitive advantages that support its continuity in the markets.
  • Determining the most important reasons for the company’s failure and faltering, and the reasons for its low economic returns.
  • Studying the size and value of the current assets in terms of book value and market value (after the company has identified a specialist in valuation work to carry out this task).
  • Using modern financial tools to re-engineer assets in light of the company’s financial needs.
  • Suggesting the optimal financing structure for the project and other sources of financing and the cost of each source.
  • Building a strong bank file for banking transactions
  • Negotiating with the banking system regarding the restructuring and pricing of the credit granted to the company.
  • Studying the current job structure.
  • Studying the suitability of the size, number and quality of the company’s current employees in light of the company’s size and economic returns.
  • Policies to reduce risks within the company and their impact on decision-making.
  • Rebuilding and evaluating the job structure according to the nature of the industry.
  • Study the profitability of the enterprise according to the following:
  • Risk-free return and financing cost.
  • Opportunity cost.
  • Revenue of competing companies.
  • Studying the available and exploited productive capacities and studying the gap between them.


  • Analysis and evaluation of risk management and identification of gaps.
  • Preparing a risk management strategy.
  • Preparing and developing risk management policies and procedures.
  • Develop executive plans to prevent risks and business continuity.
  • Preparing risk management reports.
  • Establishing administrative units specialized in risk management.
  • Analyzing training needs and providing training programs related to risk management

The main objective of the valuation service is to answer the most important questions that business owners have, “What is the value of my company at the present time?”, as the service seeks to determine the fair value of the company on a specific date. It is worth noting that the fair value of any entity expresses the present value of the expected economic benefits from its tangible and intangible assets. The evaluation process is also characterized as a mixture of art and science at the same time, where the science is the use of mathematical models, statistical data and sales deals of similar companies, while the art factor lies in the professional opinion, risk assessment, performance assessment and future outlook for the business environment.

Evaluation objectives:

  • The need for the assessment service lies in five main drivers:
  • Business deals: such as Merger & Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, and Strategic Planning.
  • Financial Reporting: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
  • Litigation: Like Business Interruption
  • Shareholder deals: such as Fairness Opinion, Initial Public Offering and Bank Finance.
  • Governing laws: such as bankruptcy or corporate liquidation cases.

Corporate evaluation service clients:

  • Existing companies undergoing merger or acquisition.
  • Existing companies that include financial investments in unlisted shares.
  • Existing companies that obtain bank financing in return for mortgaging their businesses.
  • Shareholders wishing to sell their shares or buy new shares.
  • Small and medium-sized companies wishing to obtain financing through the entry of new partners

Startup founders spend more time understanding and understanding the market in which their companies are competing. Expanding the provision of both services and products.

Knowing who your competitors are and what they offer can help you highlight your products and services. This will enable you to set your competitive pricing and help you respond to competing marketing campaigns with your own initiatives. You can use this knowledge to create marketing strategies that take advantage of your competitors’ weaknesses, and improve your business performance. You can also assess any threats posed by both new entrants to the market and existing competitors. This knowledge will help you to develop realistic solutions about the success of your company.

Marketing consulting is important in that it represents the main focus of the project. From studying the market, we deduce the demand, and from the demand we determine the production capacity of the project, on the basis of which we choose the technology, means of production, and the size of the project. Then we define the production and sales plan and the financial, economic and social return of the project.

Successful and accurate marketing consultancy can determine the extent to which any product or service is able to penetrate the market or open new markets and win a segment of demand in light of the strong competition from local products and imported goods, through:

  • Studying the marketing gap for modern projects.
  • Designing marketing and sales management systems.
  • Marketing research of all kinds (market research, goods and services, distribution center)…etc.
  • Study of goods and services.
  • Studying the marketing gap for newly imported products.
  • Identifying sales management problems.
  • Designing the effective promotional mix for each product separately.
  • Designing advertising and promotional campaigns and sales promotion campaigns.
  • Designing and implementing CRM systems.
  • Design and implementation of digital marketing and advertising campaigns on the Internet and social media.

The business development and continuous improvement service aims to enable administrative leaders to develop and develop the business fields of their establishments, identify potential growth opportunities and invest them in accordance with the best leading and successful practices, which is reflected in increased productivity and profitability.

The business development and continuous improvement service provides a range of benefits, including:

  • Implementing successful methodologies in developing business sectors based on modern best practices.
  • Develop administrative procedures and systems in a professional manner to achieve cost reduction, quality performance and practices.
  • Enhancing the skills of work teams and motivating them, which is reflected in increased productivity.
  • Managing the risks facing the company, and determining the best ways to deal with them.
  • Building an integrated marketing strategy based on investing available resources and capabilities.
  • Strengthening the institutional reputation and effective communication between the company and its customers, the company and the community.

the challenge:

Developing and improving the business of the company in accordance with successful international scientific methodologies, in order to achieve the upgrading of all administrative and technical practices, invest all the resources and capabilities available in the company, and increase the market share and institutional reputation.


  • Assessing the current status of the company and the surrounding environment for business organizations and the main role it plays (products/services/administrative functions/resources/quality/quantities).
  • Studying the market opportunities available to the company for expansion and development.
  • Analyzing competitors in the field of business of the company, and coming up with the competitive advantages of the company that support its future success.
  • Arranging, developing and managing the priorities of the company, and focusing on the competitive advantages of the company’s business/services.
  • Developing the internal operations of the company, in a way that supports the achievement of external (market) goals and priorities.
  • Building a strategic plan aimed at enhancing the market position of the company, and giving it a competitive advantage. Focusing on customers and their needs of the company’s services.
  • Analyzing the needs of the relevant parties and key beneficiaries.
  • Building a map of prospects, estimating and weighing the list of existing customers and reviewing the business environment to identify new business opportunities.


  • A developed and integrated strategy for the business and services of the company.
  • Ensure the investment of available material and human resources.
  • Increase customer and customer satisfaction.
  • Increase productivity and profitability.
  • Outstanding institutional reputation.

Presentation service is a very important service for entrepreneurs and investors, and it is a supplementary service for the feasibility study that depends on highlighting the strengths of the study for ease of presentation to the investor and persuading him to study the feasibility. The investor has read it and we believe in providing integrated services to entrepreneurs, this service has been provided.

The presentations are used during face-to-face or online meetings with potential investors, clients, buyers, and co-founders, and the presentation is brief to give a quick overview of the business plan.

The best way to present the proposal is after the market, technical and financial study of the project so that the proposal is consistent, disciplined and logical.

Investment presentations include:

Beginning story:

It reviews how the project owner was inspired by the idea, and how he began collecting data and information in order to crystallize the idea of ​​the project.

the problem:

A brief account of the project idea that has been reached, and how this idea addresses an existing problem or provides a service or product suitable for the target group.

Solution / Product:

A presentation of the solution provided by the service or product that the project will produce, with a brief and accurate description of it.

business model:

How will work and procedural steps, and what is the extent of innovation and value in the proposed plan.

market size:

A statement of the size of the target market, some readings and future growth of the market, and to what extent there is a future for the proposed idea.

The competition:

Clarify the competitive advantage of the proposed idea, and demonstrate its ability to compete with others.


Presentation of the work team and human resources required by the project, and a brief description of the tasks.


The details that have been worked on and accomplished are mentioned in the idea, preferably a prototype to make the presentation more convincing.

Financial Statements:

Financial indicators such as return on investment, break-even point, payback period, cost of acquiring the customer, and others, according to the type and nature of the project.

What do we need and why?:

This part deals with where and how the required investment funds will be spent, as well as the objectives that the investment is expected to achieve.

They are sessions dedicated to each project and presented individually to a person or group in the same project, in which the most important questions are raised and possible solutions are discussed, and the project owner and his team are guided to the right path that enables him to correct the path or advance his project.

How do we provide advice?

  • One session: A single session in which one aspect of the project is discussed and the necessary advice is provided for that.
  • Multiple sessions: several sessions upon request, and many issues related to the project are discussed, and they are held at separate intervals.

Management Consulting Contracts:

Successful establishments that aspire for their sustainability usually need a body that provides permanent consultations and directs them continuously. Include:

Annual Contracts

They are contracts at a pre-determined annual price so that the project is supervised in a consultative manner from an administrative point of view, and the project is presented according to the number of consulting meetings agreed upon and the size of the project.

Monthly Contracts

The annual contracts can be divided into quarterly and monthly, whereby the establishments that need interim or temporary consultations are contracted by providing monthly packages to give them flexibility in choosing the most appropriate package.

The efficiency of enterprises depends largely on the good investment of their resources, and there is no doubt that the human being is the most valuable resource in the enterprise, and with the large size of organizations, the awareness of the importance of the role of the human resource increased and the adoption of talented ones among them, and enterprises began to look at their employees as a source of competitive advantage, and the result was For these changes, it is necessary to transform the Personnel Department into a modern human resources management system. For this reason, we are working hard to provide a package of the following advisory services:

  • Preparing the policies and procedures manual.
  • Designing and developing the wages and salaries system.
  • Design and development of incentives, benefits and compensation systems for services.
  • Analysis, design and classification of jobs.
  • Planning and development of the promotions system and career path.
  • Development and development of human resources.
  • Designing and developing performance appraisal systems.
  • Preparing the job description manual.
  • Preparing organizational performance development programs.
  • Preparing a competency guide.
  • Strategic planning for human resources management in accordance with the company’s future vision.
  • Preparing the executive regulations and internal regulations.
  • Analysis of training needs.
  • Preparing organizational structures in accordance with the proposed strategy.
  • Building developmental training plans.
  • Designing and developing a system for recruitment, selection and appointment.
  • Evaluating the quality of training

Training and development is one of the most important activities that any company needs. Training and development services include the following:

  • Preparing the annual training plan at the enterprise level through various programs.
  • Drawing up policies and developing procedures that increase the efficiency of the training and development activity to bring about the required change.
  • Promoting a culture of continuous education and development in the company.
  • Contribute to the development of modern administrative awareness and enhance the existing competencies of leaders and employees.
  • Designing and implementing automated and administrative systems that increase the efficiency of the training and development activity in the company.
  • Preparing and designing training programs for newly appointed employees and others.

Services Geographical Coverage


Geographical Coverage of Countries
Collaborating Consultant
Free Consultation
Consulting Service
Target Economic Sectors

Social Responsibility

Social responsibility programs help us to be honest with ourselves and evaluate our impact on society, and to ensure the sustainability of social responsibility programs, Badir has placed them among the values on which they are based so that they always remain in our sights.

Badir Team

Badir seek to provide the best solutions and consulting services through a professional team of experts, consultants and academics in the Arab world

Our company is constantly evolving and growing.

We provide wide range of consulting services. Our mission is to provide best solution that helps business sector.

If you want to contact us, please fill the contact form on our website.

We wish you a good day! 

Join Badir Team

working with badir is more than just a job

with badir we are seeking individuals who have the ability and ambition to build their career with us and we believe that our passionate employees are our prime investment.

with badir you will work with team who are keen to share his knowledg and also learn from you.

with badir you will be amongest a diversified team enhancing creativity and innovation.

if you are interested to join badir please send us your resume to our email:

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100 Elmerghany Street, Masr Elgededa, Cairo,Egypt

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